
5 Reasons Agencies Should Disclose Their Use of Freelancers

Many agencies routinely turn to freelancers when they need some additional help on a project. They may need someone to write website copy, design an eye-catching logo, do voice-over work for an animation, or something else.

But before freelancers can even get started on projects, many agencies require them to sign non-disclosure agreements. Can’t have the client find out that freelancers were used, can we?

Mum’s the word.

But why the secrecy? Does it really matter if a client knows your agency uses freelancers?

Although it may seem like a good idea for an agency to keep its use of freelancers under wraps, there are several advantages to being open about it. It isn’t the deal-killer many think it is. In fact, there are ways you can use it to your advantage as a selling point.

Here are several compelling reasons why agencies should be open about their use of freelances.

1. Confidently Tell Clients You Have an Expert for Everything

Clients know that an agency isn’t going to have an expert on staff for every conceivable topic or project. It simply isn’t possible.

By using freelancers when specialized skills are needed, agencies have a great deal of flexibility to get the job done right. Suppose you need someone who specializes in understanding bitcoin, but your in-house writer primarily writes about cybersecurity. In that case, you can use a freelancer to make sure the project is completed in a way that wows the client and generates repeat business.

If a client ever asks you about who will be doing the work on a project, you can proudly say, “We use in-house talent but also contract with freelance professionals when the need arises. This gives us a great deal of flexibility and allows us to bring in talent with specialized skills to make sure every project we take on is completed to the highest standards.”

2. Guarantee Consistent and Fast Turnaround

When it rains, it pours. 

This truism certainly applies to agencies, as anyone who has worked in the industry long enough will tell you. Sometimes multiple projects come in at once. Although it may be a good problem to have, it can occasionally stretch your resources and overwhelm your staff if you try to complete all of your projects in-house.

By using freelance professionals, you can hand off some of your overflow work when you have more than you can handle. The extra help allows you to meet all of your deadlines without requiring your in-house staff to work longer hours when things get busy. This helps to prevent burnout and reduces employee turnover.

3. Save Your Clients Money and Provide Affordable Quotes

Full-time employees are expensive. In addition to having to pay competitive salaries, you may also have to provide benefits to attract and retain the best talent. There are also other expenses to consider, like workers’ compensation insurance.

By using freelancers for some of your work, you can potentially save a lot of money. With a freelancer, you only have to pay for the work that is completed. You don’t have to worry about finding work to keep an employee busy when things slow down.

You also don’t have to provide expensive benefits. Even if you pay top dollar for freelance work, it may still be significantly cheaper than hiring additional staff.

By being open about your use of freelancers, you can pass the savings on to clients and possibly win more work by offering better prices than your competitors. Use it as a selling point. It’s a strategy you can use to deliver high-quality work at the best possible price.

4. Confidently Tell Clients Your Agency Never Sleeps

Another advantage of using freelancers is that you can hire talented professionals from all around the world. In some cases, you may be able to hire freelancers who live on the other side of the world and have them do work for you while you sleep. You can use it as another selling point.

In addition to impressing clients with quick turnarounds, you may also be able to save even more money by taking advantage of geographic arbitrage. This just means you can hire people at more affordable rates who live in countries where the cost of living is lower.

There are many talented professionals living in places where money stretches much further than it does in your home country who would be thrilled to take on your projects and deliver high-quality work that is on par with work sourced in your corner of the globe.

5. Provide More Offerings and Expertise

If your agency is small, using freelancers helps you to accomplish more with fewer resources. It allows you to punch above your weight and compete with larger agencies on price and quality.

If you currently lack office space for an additional employee, for example, freelancers can be used to fill the gap until you are able to move to a larger office. They allow your company to continue growing while keeping your overhead low.

Freelancers: Your Not-So-Secret Weapon

The use of freelancers is now very common, and it’s no longer something to avoid in conversations with clients.

Instead of keeping your use of freelancers a big secret, you can use it to your advantage by promoting it to prospective clients as a selling point. Tell them about the many advantages freelancers provide and how it benefits them. Explain how it helps to solve a problem they may be having.

Using freelancers is a great way to position your agency for success in an increasingly competitive market. Every edge you can get makes a difference. It may just be the key to taking your agency to the next level and outperforming your competition.

Editor’s Note: This post was written by nDash community member Cyrus Vanover. He has over 20 years of industry experience working in the healthcare field, telecommunications industry, and non-profit sector. To learn more about Cyrus – or have him write for your brand – check out his nDash writer profile