Bry'Ana Arvie Freelance Writer Spotlight

Bry’Ana Arvie: Freelance Writer Spotlight

nDash’s Managing Editor, Jenn Greenleaf, talks to Bry’Ana Arvie about her background as a freelance writer, her specialty in Google ads, and more!

Background: The Highlights

Bry’Ana Arvie, a BSB SaaS conversion copywriter, excels in communication, specifically online advertising and customer conversion. Her approach addresses many businesses’ common dilemma: attracting the right audience to their Google ad landing pages. However, they often need help to convert these visitors into customers.

Arvie identifies the issue’s root as a miscommunication between the product’s offering and its perceived value by the audience. She emphasizes that merely increasing visitor numbers is not the key. It’s crucial to demonstrate effectively how the product meets the audience’s needs. This strategic focus helps prevent potential customers from turning to competitors.

nDash’s Conversation with Bry’Ana

Jenn: Can you tell us about your journey into B2B SaaS content writing and conversion copywriting?

Bry’Ana: I started my career writing content about anything that came my way. It helped me improve my writing chomps, and learning about new topics was always exciting. Eventually, I started writing for SaaS companies because it was fun (my brain loves data), and every piece felt like a new challenge.

The more content I wrote for these companies, the more a realization dawned on me. I wanted to help their target audience see that my client’s tool was the right product for them. This desire led me to discover copywriting and its more data-driven version, conversion copywriting.

Jenn: How do you stay updated with the latest SaaS content, marketing, and conversion rate optimization trends?

Bry’Ana: I follow influencers on LinkedIn and chat with other marketers and copywriters in my paid Slack groups. I also use Feedly to read up on all the latest industry news.

Jenn: What inspired you to specialize in crafting landing page content for Google ads?

Bry’Ana: Reviewing dozens of landing pages showed me that Google ad landing pages are often an afterthought. However, they can help a company maximize its ROAS when done right. And with CPC getting more expensive, I wanted to help businesses make the most of their ad dollars.

Jenn: How did nDash become part of your journey as a freelance writer?

Bry’Ana: Conversion copywriting is where my heart lies. However, I still love creating content for SaaS companies that helps them inform, educate, and convert their buyers. nDash offered me a way to continue writing content without spending time searching for clients.

The Rest of nDash’s Discussion with Freelance Writer, Bry’Ana Arvie

Bry'Ana Arvie Arvie’s data-driven methodology aims to uncover the reasons behind low conversion rates. She analyzes audience behaviors and crafts strategies to make a business’s offerings more appealing. Specializing in writing persuasive copy, she connects product features with customer expectations to boost conversions. Her focus extends beyond sales, aiming to create narratives that align product value with customer needs, benefiting both sides.

Jenn: How do you approach understanding a target audience’s pain points, desires, and motivations?

Bry’Ana: First, I ask my clients about their audience. 99% of the time, they’ve done the research and have the data. At the very least, this gives me a good starting point for understanding their target audience. From there, I learn about their audience through reviews, forums, Slack mining, surveys, and customer interviews.

Jenn: In your view, what are the key elements of effective conversion optimization?

Bry’Ana: I’d say you need to be prepared to dig into the data and test one element at a time. Changing too many elements at once on your page can give you skewed results. Is the new copy why you’re getting more conversions, or did your updated design elements make a bigger contribution? Ultimately, conversion optimization is about making and testing the hypothesis you formed by analyzing all your available data.

Jenn: What strategies do you employ to ensure your content aligns with a brand’s voice while resonating with the target audience?

Bry’Ana: I review all my Voice of the Customer (VoC) data and merge it with my client’s brand voice. For example, I’ll create multiple (at least 10) headline versions. I do that until I find one that doesn’t sound alien to the audience or the brand.

Jenn: How do you balance SEO requirements with conversion-oriented writing in your content creation?

Bry’Ana: One thing about creating copy that converts is noteworthy. People are more likely to sign up for a free trial or request a demo when they know they’re in the right place. So, I’ll use the keywords a few times. I’ll also use related keywords and phrases to help the target audience and Google understand the page’s intent.

Jenn: What’s your approach to brainstorming content ideas independently and with a team?

Bry’Ana: First, I ask my clients about their goals to ensure we’re on the same page. I don’t want to assume what they want because that can lead to mismatched expectations.

Jenn: As a freelance writer, can you describe your process for conducting research before writing content?

Bry’Ana: After talking with my clients about their content goals and learning about their audience, I map out an article’s intent. Not just whether it has a transactional or an informational intent. But the thought processes that lead up to someone typing in their search query.

After mapping the intent, I search for related keywords and write down those relevant to my content. Then, I contact one or two subject matter experts to get an expert perspective on a topic. This strategy also gives my article a unique point of view.

Jenn: What has been your most challenging project, and how did you overcome the obstacles?

Bry’Ana: My client was launching a new software solution, a behavior analytics tool, and wanted to create a Minimum Viable Website. They didn’t have customers I could interview. They also lacked data for me to analyze, which was necessary to find the messaging that would resonate with their audience.

My solution was to focus more on review and forum mining for those tools. I gathered data on why my client’s audience needed a tool like theirs and found gaps in their competitor’s offerings. My client’s product excelled in these areas, which I highlighted in the copy. In the end, I created a starting website that was relatable to their audience.

Jenn: What’s a project you’re particularly proud of and why?

Bry’Ana: The project I described above was the one I was proudest of. I love a good challenge! And since my client was happy with the end result, the entire project was worth it!

Work with Freelance Writer Bry’Ana Arvie on nDash Today!

Do you have a project that aligns with Bry’Ana’s experience? Check out her freelance writing portfolio to learn more about how her expertise can level up your content strategy: Bry’Ana Arvie.