Hack the Entrepreneur Featuring Michael Brown

Michael BrownStarting and running a business is often seen as a tactical, logistical endeavor. But as Michael Brown discussed in a recent Hack the Entrepreneur podcast, it’s also a highly creative process.

You can also learn more about Michael Brown, his freelance writing background, and the launch of nDash.com. Click here: A Note From the Founder. Here’s a brief snippet:

Back in 2013, I left my job to become a freelance writer. There was only one minor problem: I had no clients. In search of my first few gigs, I did what almost all freelance writers do: sent countless resumes, applied on job boards, and took a stab at the content mills. How do you think that worked out?

You guessed it. Despite an impressive resume, I struggled to stand out in a very crowded field. Then it hit me! If brands are now publishers, why isn’t anyone pitching them content ideas? What if I pitched individual brands the way freelance journalists pitch The New York Times, The Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Wired, and others? So that’s what I did…and it worked.”

If you’re interested in hearing about the nDash.com backstory – and gaining some startup insights/inspiration along the way – you’ll definitely want to give this podcast interview with Michael a listen.
