Using Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

Using Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

Writing is just 20% of the story in content creation. To get the most out of it, your content needs to be discovered by your target audience and drive high-quality traffic to your website. That’s what publishing on platforms such as Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse can do for you.

When you publish on these sites, your post would likely rank well in search engine results thanks to its high domain authority.

These platforms also have a built-in audience as well as robust tagging and search functions to help users discover content and find the information they need.

When you share content on these platforms, you get exposure to a wider audience. Each of these sites also has its own unique features that help improve SEO and drive traffic to your website.

Your Guide for Using Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

How To Use Quora For SEO

Quora is the largest question-and-answer site on the Internet. Search engines crawl Quora’s answers, which often rank high on SERPs.

Keyword Research and Content Development

Users phrase their questions using everyday language, giving you insights into how your target audience talks about their challenges. This can help inform your keyword strategy, especially on using long-tail keywords to drive high-quality traffic to your website.

You can also review popular topics on Quora to help identify content gaps on your website and create the necessary content that will help drive more organic traffic to your site.

Link Building and Content Promotion

As a subject matter expert, you can share your content and link back to your website when answering questions.

To drive traffic to your website, you should look for popular questions, write concise and insightful answers, and share relevant resources. For example, by offering a brief overview of a solution and directing readers to a post on your blog for in-depth information.

In addition, edit your Quora profile to make sure it speaks to your ideal audience and include a link to your website or lead magnet. When you respond to a question, add your profile credential to the answer.

Using Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

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Influencer Outreach

You can use Quora to identify influencers who may be interested in having you write for their blogs or share your content with their followers.

This can put your content in front of a large audience that’s already interested in your topic of expertise while “borrowing” the influencers’ authority to increase your credibility.

How To Use Medium For SEO

Medium is used by many content marketers as a republishing platform to reach more readers. The key is to make sure you’re driving traffic from the Medium articles back to your website.

Edit your bio to position yourself as the subject matter expert and demonstrate why you’re relevant to your readers. You can also mention your website or include a link to a lead magnet.

Using Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

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Customize Your Profile and Interact With Readers

Seek out articles written by popular authors in your area of expertise to post comments and interact with the readers. Make sure you’re adding value and sharing relevant ideas so you can get noticed by their audience (“hey, great post!” isn’t going to cut it.)

If the readers like your comments and click on your profile, they’ll then see your bio and all the posts you have published.

Optimize Your Posts

Medium is “crowded.” Your headlines need to capture attention and pique the readers’ interest within seconds so they’d click through and read your article.

Analyze the headlines of popular posts that perform well with your target audience to gain insights on how to write titles that’ll attract the right readers.

Include links in your posts to drive traffic back to your website for readers to get in-depth information. If appropriate, add a call-to-action mentioning your lead magnet to convert Medium readers into email subscribers.

Leverage Medium’s robust tagging system to grow your following. When you publish a post, you’ll have the opportunity to add tags to the article. Make sure to tag your posts strategically so your audience can discover your content.

Ready to publish?

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How To Use LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

Thanks to LinkedIn’s large professional user base, publishing on LinkedIn Pulse is a great way to target a very specific market and position your brand as an industry thought leader.

Identify Topic and Keywords

Before you start creating content, look at what industry leaders are writing about and identify the keywords you want to target.

You should also pay attention to the kind of headlines that works well with your target audience so more people will click through to your content.

Include Backlinks and CTAs In the Post

If you have a blog post or resource on your website that offers in-depth information related to the article, you can add the link to the post.

You can also generate leads by offering a relevant lead magnet, inserting an image to draw attention, and linking it to the landing page.

In addition, include a short bio at the end of each post that links back to your website, blog, or lead magnet to drive more traffic.

Share Your Post

After you have set up backlinks and CTAs on your post, make sure the right audience is reading it so they’ll click through to your website.

When you publish a post, it’ll populate to your profile and appear on your connection’s newsfeed (so it pays to connect with your target audience.)

In addition, use the sharing feature to distribute the post on other social media platforms and share it with the LinkedIn groups that you belong to.
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Final Thoughts on Using Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn Pulse For SEO

There are many benefits to leveraging the large built-in audience in Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn to get your content in front of a larger audience.

The social elements of these sites, such as commenting and sharing, can help you attract more followers while cultivating relationships.

To get the most SEO benefits and drive high-quality traffic from these websites, you need to publish high-quality content regularly and make sure that you’re including relevant links that point back to your website in these posts.

Ling Wong


Editor’s note: This post is by nDash community member Ling Wong. Ling writes business articles and website copy on topics such as website and content strategy, B2B marketing, inbound, and more. To learn more about Ling or to have her write for your brand, sign up for nDash today!