Identifying AI in Content Creation Can We Spot the Difference

Identifying AI in Content Creation: Can We Spot the Difference?

From drafting articles to generating ideas, check out the impact and challenges of AI in content creation.

The Rise of AI in Content Creation

AI in content creation continues to grow in popularity, with AI tools generating around 25% of all new digital content. These tools enhance the content creation process, support over 100 languages, and offer significant cost and time efficiencies.

Regarding business adoption, 52% of business leaders use AI content-generation tools in their content marketing strategy. This figure is anticipated to grow, with nearly 65% of businesses experimenting with tools by the end of the year. Furthermore, 73% of B2B and B2C marketing executives have already adopted generative AI.

Moreover, the impact of AI on productivity in the workplace is significant. Around 61% of workers have reported a boost in productivity due to adopting AI. This improvement stems from AI’s ability to offload routine and repetitive tasks. Doing so allows employees to focus on more analytical aspects of their work.

Action Item: Explore and Experiment with AI in Your Content Strategy.

If you haven’t already, identify areas in your content strategy that could benefit from AI assistance, such as idea generation, language translation, or content drafting. Experiment with different AI content-generation tools to find the best fit for your needs.

Characteristics of AI-Generated Content

AI-generated content transforms digital communication with efficiency and versatility. Its unique ability to mimic human creativity presents both opportunities and challenges.

But is that a good thing?

I came across an interesting post on LinkedIn by Copyleaks expressing concern about AI detectors. “OpenAI recently claimed that AI content detectors cannot reliably identify ChatGPT-generated text, essentially stating that their AI is indistinguishable from human writing. This raises the question: should we trust AI creators when they claim their own AI evades detection?”

I thought that was a great question. If AI detectors aren’t as reliable as we hope, we must understand the characteristics of AI-generated content.


  • Consistency: AI-generated text is highly consistent in style and tone. But that consistency often includes unnecessary repetition.
  • Grammatical errors: AI-generated content typically has several grammatical errors compared to human-written and edited text.
  • Unusual phrasing: How often have you seen the phrase “in the evolving digital landscape” or something similar? It’s obviously AI. Weird words like delve or overusing resonate are other indicators.
  • Factual accuracy without analysis: AI can readily pull information from vast datasets. But it might struggle with analysis, critical thinking, or drawing insightful conclusions.
  • Clichéd or generic ideas: While AI can be creative, it often relies on patterns and repetition from its training data. This issue can lead to generic, clichéd content or a lack of fresh perspectives.
  • Superficial emotional appeal: AI can mimic certain emotional tones but may struggle to convey genuine depth or nuance. It could be a red flag if the content tries to evoke emotions but feels inauthentic or manipulative.

Technical aspects:

  • Excessive formality: AI often leans towards overly formal language, avoiding slang, contractions, and colloquialisms that humans use naturally. The result? Stiff and unnatural content.
  • Short, choppy sentences: While AI can handle complex syntax, it sometimes defaults to simple and short sentences to mimic human writing. This issue can result in a choppy, disjointed reading experience.
  • Super long sentences: Following Yoast’s recommendations, sentences should be at most 20 words each. After the rollout of AI content creation tools, I have consistently seen sentences running between 27 and 42 words. (42 words!!)
  • Unusual punctuation or capitalization: Look for punctuation, capitalization, or formatting inconsistencies. While human errors still occur, AI-generated content might have specific patterns of non-standard punctuation usage. (The one I see the most is odd capitalization in bullet points.)
  • Lack of citations or references: We’ve all asked ChatGPT to give us data, stats, or quotes. The problem? Unless you’re using GPT-4, you’re most likely seeing made-up facts.

Action item: Analyze and Compare AI vs. Human Content

Consider the following experiment. This exercise isn’t just about evaluation – it’s about understanding how digital content creation methods change.

  • Select a topic: Choose a subject you’re interested in or knowledgeable about.
  • Gather two pieces of content: Find or create two pieces on this topic – one should be AI-generated (using an AI writing tool), and a human should write the other.
  • Analyze and compare: Examine both pieces for emotional depth, vocabulary diversity, error rates, consistency, and engagement. Pay attention to the differences in style, accuracy, and reader appeal.
  • Reflect and document: Make notes of your observations. How do the pieces differ? Can you identify strengths and weaknesses in each? Were there areas where the AI content excelled or fell short compared to the human-written content?
  • Share your insights: Meet with your team and share your insights. Your input will contribute to a broader understanding of AI’s role in content creation and how it stacks up against human creativity.

Tools for Identifying AI-Generated Content

Identifying AI-generated content requires specific tools and software. These tools use advanced algorithms and detection methods to analyze text patterns, language consistency, and other markers.

I always question the accuracy of these tools – despite the rates I was able to find below. Here’s a good case in point – Cyrus Vanover, a freelance writer, posed the following question on LinkedIn:

“Has anyone encountered a problem with a false positive from an AI detector? I never thought I would have to worry about AI because I write all of my own stuff. I have a client who insists on using an AI detector, and a piece I just spent three days writing failed. The kicker? It says right on the AI detection tool that ‘false positives and false negatives will regularly occur.’ Not sure how to handle this situation.”

That’s not the first time I’ve encountered a writer facing this issue. As a writer myself, I’ve run work I wrote years ago before AI content creation was a “thing” through detectors. The results? It came back as 89% AI-generated content.

Here are some examples of AI detectors, in no particular order:

OpenAI Text Classifier

  • How it works: It uses a large language model to rank the likelihood of AI-generated content.
  • Content type effectiveness: More effective with longer text, requiring a minimum of 1,000 characters.
  • Accuracy rates: Correctly identifies AI-written text 26% of the time but incorrectly labels human-written text as AI-generated 9% of the time.

GLTR (Giant Language Model Test Room)

  • How it works: Analyzes the predictability of text to determine if it’s AI-generated.
  • Content type effectiveness: Best used for detecting text from advanced AI models like GPT-3.
  • Accuracy rates: False positives = 15%; false negatives = 100%; overall accuracy = 17%.


  • How it works: Copyleaks uses algorithms to detect patterns in writing that may indicate AI generation.
  • Content type effectiveness: Effective across various text types, but accuracy can vary.
  • Accuracy rates: There are conflicting reports on Copyleaks’ accuracy. While a Cornell Tech study suggests high accuracy, real-world testing by individual reviewers has shown mixed results. One review found a 50% detection success rate for AI-generated content, but other sources claim a higher overall accuracy rate of 99.1%.

  • How it works: employs sophisticated algorithms to analyze text for AI generation indicators.
  • Content type effectiveness: Primarily designed for text, focusing on detecting AI-generated content.
  • Accuracy rates: False positives = 10%; false negatives = 41.25%; overall accuracy = 65%.

Action item: Evaluate the Effectiveness of AI Detection Tools

Here’s where you’ll conduct your own analysis. Focus on identifying and analyzing instances of false positives and negatives to understand their limitations. Compare the performance of these tools on identical text samples to highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Document and share your findings to guide freelancers and editors in effectively using these tools.

Challenges in AI Detection in Content Creation

Detecting AI-generated content is complex. Current detection tools have limitations. A study at the University of South Florida revealed that even linguistics experts struggled to identify AI-written content. They were only able to correctly identify it 38.9% of the time.

Robert (Bob) Peryea writes“Do not trust AI detectors to figure out whether the writing you’ve received is AI or not. They are unreliable, and the same piece of writing will give you multiple answers, even from the same detector.”

Specific challenges in AI detection in content creation include:

  • Mimicking human writing style: AI can replicate human writing patterns, making it difficult to differentiate between human and AI-generated text.
  • Deepfake text generation: Advanced AI models can produce text closely resembling human writing, making it challenging to identify generated content.
  • Contextual appropriateness vs. factual accuracy: AI-generated content may be contextually appropriate but factually incorrect, requiring detectors to assess both context and accuracy.
  • Changing AI techniques: AI techniques continuously change, requiring detection methods to keep pace with new developments.
  • Balancing detection and creativity: Striking a balance between detecting AI-generated content and allowing legitimate creative AI use cases can be challenging.
  • False positives: Overly aggressive detection algorithms may produce false positives, wrongly flagging legitimate content as AI-generated.
  • Privacy concerns: Scrutinizing AI-generated content for detection purposes can raise privacy concerns, mainly when applied to personal or sensitive data.

Action item: Continuously Learn and Adapt

Stay informed about the latest advancements in AI detection tools. That means continuously assessing their accuracy in differentiating between human and AI-generated content. Regularly update your knowledge of AI techniques to evaluate tool effectiveness better. Lastly, advocate for a balanced use of these tools, ensuring they minimize false positives.

Integrating AI-Detection Tools Into Content Management: Best Practices for Marketing Managers

Integrating AI-detection tools into content management systems offers numerous benefits for marketing managers. But it requires careful planning and execution.

Nitin Aggarwal, Head of AI Services (GenAI and Healthcare) at Google, shares“With the speed at which this technology is evolving, it’ll be hard even for experts to find machine-generated content. The standard practice of understanding text structure, grammar, and syntax to identify patterns (repetition) to detect such content won’t be sufficient. Algorithms will be way more intelligent and will easily pass these signals. Labeling it is one way to tackle it. Trust and safety will play a crucial role in such systems.”

Here are some best practices:

  • Clearly define goals and metrics: Identify what you aim to achieve with AI detection tools, such as improving content relevancy, enhancing user engagement, or increasing efficiency in content moderation.
  • Select the right tools: Choose AI tools that align with your content strategy and technical infrastructure. Consider factors like accuracy, ease of integration, cost, and support for multiple languages if necessary.
  • Train your team: Ensure your team receives adequate training to use these tools. This includes understanding how to interpret AI-generated insights and making data-driven decisions.
  • Data privacy and compliance: Ensure the tools comply with copyright and privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA. AI tools should handle user data responsibly.
  • Continuous testing and optimization: Regularly test the effectiveness of the AI tools and make adjustments based on performance data. Stay updated with AI advancements to keep your systems modern.
  • Feedback integration: Establish a feedback loop where human insights can refine AI recommendations, ensuring a balance between automated and human judgment.

Action item: Audit of Your Current Content Management System

Begin by auditing your current Content Management System to identify potential areas for AI enhancement. Analyze your content strategy and user engagement metrics to set improvement benchmarks. Assess your content moderation workflow to pinpoint challenges AI can resolve. Determine if your CMS can seamlessly integrate with AI tools. Define specific objectives for AI integration based on your audit findings.

The Role of AI Awareness in Content Creation

Understanding the nuances of AI in content creation is vital for marketing managers and freelancers alike. This knowledge empowers content creators to make informed choices about AI tools. It also enhances their ability to distinguish between AI and human-generated content.

Recognizing these distinctions is crucial for maintaining authenticity, credibility, and a personal touch in digital communications. With AI becoming increasingly sophisticated, staying ahead of the curve isn’t just advantageous but essential. This awareness ensures one remains competitive and adaptable.