nDash Product Updates (September 2024)

nDash Product Updates (September 2024)

We’re here with more updates! Here’s what’s new on the nDash platform this month:

Custom Pre-Funding Workflow 

Brands that choose to pre-fund their nDash account (as opposed to the standard pay-as-you-go model) now have a much easier option. Instead of requesting an invoice, you can now add funds to your nDash account directly through the platform.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Billing Overview & Invoices
  3. Click the “Add Funds” button

From there, you’ll be redirected to a payment page where you can pre-fund for any amount between $500 – $10k USD.



For more on pre-funding your nDash account, check out this Help Topic.

Hourly Rate Projects 

nDash has always been a per-project platform, but lately, many clients have asked to create projects based on hourly rates. Now, when creating an assignment, you’ll have the option to select “hourly rate” as opposed to a specific deliverable. You’ll also notice that many writers will list their hourly rates on their writer profile pages.

Sources Back 

A few months ago, we paused our content sources feature to update some API settings. It’s now back on the platform for brands looking to stay on top of the latest industry news and trends in their space and uncover source material for content. You can learn more about this feature here.

Small Updates and Fixes 

  • Mobile page design: improved page layout on platform pages in mobile view
  • Sorting on writing samples: when you add a writing sample to your nDash profile, the latest one now appears first
  • Referrals: when a writer refers a new brand to nDash, it now goes through a manual check to avoid spam and fraud

Got a suggestion for a new feature or fix? Let us know here: https://www.ndash.com/feedback

Thanks again!