Overcoming Content Challenges: Zeta Global’s Strategic Shift with nDash

Overcoming Content Challenges: Zeta Global’s Strategic Shift with nDash

Dan McDermott quote 1

Zeta Global is a data-driven marketing technology company that helps businesses acquire, retain, and grow their customer base. They achieve this by combining artificial intelligence (AI), a massive dataset of consumer information, and a suite of marketing solutions. The team’s Senior Director of Content Marketing, Dan McDermott, faced significant challenges in managing its content creation processes effectively. Despite having a dedicated content team, they struggled with the demands of producing a wide variety of specialized content across different business units.

Additionally, the administrative burden of managing contractor SLAs, contracts, and invoices consumed valuable time that they should spend on strategic initiatives. This case study examines how Zeta Global addressed these challenges by engaging with nDash. In doing so, the team ultimately optimized its content strategy and execution.

Core Challenges: Resource Allocation and Operational Efficiency

As Zeta Global continued to grow, it became increasingly clear that its internal capabilities were being stretched thin. The scope of their content requirements, coupled with the logistical complexities of managing a diverse team of freelancers, presented significant operational challenges. These obstacles not only hindered their ability to scale effectively but also impacted their strategic focus.

1. Expanding Team, Growing Demands

“As we grow, the scope of our content needs also expands dramatically. We are a small team, and there is a lot of content that’s demanded of this team,” McDermott explained. This statement directly highlights the challenges faced by Zeta Global in managing a high volume of content demands with a relatively small team.

The need for diverse and frequent content strains their ability to deliver consistently without expanding their resource pool. These needs underscore the importance of finding an effective solution like nDash to supplement their internal capabilities.

2. Streamlining Payment Processes for Freelancers

A significant operational challenge was managing payments and administrative tasks associated with freelance contractors. McDermott shared the frustration. He noted, “I found myself spending a lot of my time facilitating payments for multiple contractors in order to make sure they were paid in a timely fashion.”

The time it took to receive payments sometimes negatively impacted freelancers’ satisfaction and willingness to engage. While this payment turnaround time is standard practice, it ultimately affects content delivery timelines and quality. It also held up the team’s editorial calendar because if payments were still outstanding, they couldn’t assign new work.

3. Need for Specialized Content Expertise

Zeta Global’s diverse business structure required content that catered to different business units and audiences. This requirement necessitated a broad range of subject matter expertise that was difficult to cultivate internally.

McDermott recognized the need for external expertise. He said, “It helps to be able to use nDash when there is a need for a particular background or a particular type of writer.”

Solutions: Streamlining Workflows and Expanding Reach

Zeta Global made a strategic decision to use nDash, a move that not only expanded their access to a diverse pool of content expertise but also streamlined their payment processes. With nDash, Zeta Global was able to:

Access to a Diverse Talent Pool

This solution allowed Zeta to find specialized writers familiar with their multifaceted business, enhancing content relevance and engagement. By connecting with nDash’s network, Zeta Global could tap into a pool of specialized writers who were already familiar with similar business environments. That not only enhanced the relevance and engagement of the content produced but also expanded the company’s capabilities without the need for extensive in-house recruitment.

McDermott appreciated the platform’s ability to connect with knowledgeable freelancers. He states, “We try to draw that from inside with our internal subject matter experts. But it helps to be able to use nDash instead of searching and vetting freelance writers.”

Efficient Payment System

nDash’s platform ensured that all contractors received payments in a timely manner. It not only maintained high morale among freelancers but also freed Zeta’s team from the administrative burden of managing finances, allowing them to focus more on content strategy and less on operational logistics.

“nDash gave us the luxury of creating a payment system where we could ensure that all of our contractors are paid on time,” McDermott noted. This shift allowed the Zeta team to redirect their focus from operational logistics to more strategic initiatives such as content planning and execution, further aligning their resources with their core business goals.

Results: Content Amplified, Time Freed

Dan McDermott quote 2The adoption of nDash resulted in several tangible benefits for Zeta Global:

  • Enhanced content production: The volume of content produced more than doubled. It was driven by the efficient management of resources and the availability of specialized freelancers. “I would say that… we’ve more than doubled the volume of content that we produce,” McDermott observed.
  • Reduced payment terms: Contractor payment terms reduced from 60 days to 30 days or less. This significantly improves contractor satisfaction and engagement. McDermott highlighted, “We were able to get those payment terms down to 30 or less, which is much more realistic.”
  • Valuable time savings: McDermott estimated a monthly saving of 20 hours that were previously spent on administrative tasks. That could now be redirected towards strategic thinking and content planning. “nDash has probably saved me 20 hours a month on administrative work. Instead, I can be strategic and think about the needs of the business,” he remarked.

Transforming Content Challenges into Opportunities

Zeta Global’s partnership with nDash exemplifies how integrating the right tools and platforms can profoundly impact a business’s operational efficiency and content quality. By addressing specific logistical challenges and harnessing the power of a diverse freelance network, Zeta enhanced its content strategy and execution, setting a benchmark for others in the industry. McDermott summed it up:

“I don’t have to try to mine LinkedIn to find freelancers. And I don’t have to identify a freelancer and then send them a test project or cross my fingers and hope for the best,” he explains. “We don’t lose any sleep over that when I need a contractor. I know there’s one readily available, whether it’s a contractor that I already work with or if I’m maxed out. I know that I have the nDash team to help me identify the right freelancer.”

About Zeta Global

Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA) is the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and trillions of consumer signals to make it easier for marketers to acquire, grow, and retain customers more efficiently. Through the Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP), our vision is to make sophisticated marketing simple by unifying identity, intelligence, and omnichannel activation into a single platform – powered by one of the industry’s largest proprietary databases and AI. Our enterprise customers across multiple verticals are empowered to personalize experiences with consumers at an individual level across every channel, delivering better results for marketing programs. Zeta was founded in 2007 by David A. Steinberg and John Sculley and is headquartered in New York City with offices around the world. To learn more, go to www.zetaglobal.com.

About nDash

nDash is the world’s first content community platform. Thousands of brands use nDash to build and manage elite writing teams comprised of in-house talent, freelancers, and thought leaders. With a rapidly evolving set of features, nDash helps marketers generate compelling topics, streamline the content creation workflow, and rise above the noise. Based in the greater Boston area, nDash was founded in 2016 by a passionate group of former writers, marketers, and crowdsourcing enthusiasts.