Freelance Red Flags: How to Avoid Being Scammed
October 25, 2022
Working for yourself as a freelancer can be very lucrative. It can provide you with greater flexibility and the ability to charge your own rates. However, it’s vital to be weary of scammers and potential clients that may be looking to take advantage of you. In a survey by Flexjobs, 17 percent of the 2,600 respondents […]
How to Research Your Idea BEFORE You Pitch It
October 13, 2022
Ideas are the driving force behind many content writers. An idea for something to write could lead to your next accepted pitch. But your pitch will need more than just an idea, and that’s where good research comes in. Getting Started with Research Boost the chances of pitch acceptance by familiarizing yourself with the brand. […]
Freelancers: The Importance of Having a Side Hustle
October 4, 2022
What is a Side Hustle, and Why is it Important for Freelancers? Whether you’re working as a full-time freelancer or moonlighting for additional income, it’s always important to build additional revenue streams into your life. One way you can earn additional income is to have a side hustle, and according to a survey by Zapier, […]
Why Are Automotive Tech Writers So Hard to Find?
September 27, 2022
Many industries suffer from a global labor shortage, and the automotive industry is no different. A perfect storm of events has put pressure on the industry, further expanding the growing technology skills gap. According to Korn Ferry, there will be an estimated shortage of 85 million workers around the globe by 2030 across all industries. […]
Freelancer Guide: How to Manage Revisions Without Raging Out
September 13, 2022
If you’ve been working as a freelancer for a while, you’ve likely come across a client asking for a revision. Taking time to manage revisions is an everyday part of the job for in-house teams and freelancers. Typically, they could involve making either minor or major changes to the deliverables. Some clients may ask for […]
New Feature: Vanity URLs for Freelance Writers
September 8, 2022
What makes nDash different than other freelancing sites? We get asked this a lot, and our answer boils down to one key concept: nDash is a writer-first platform. Unlike other sites, where writers are treated as anonymous, second-class citizens, we view writers as our competitive advantage par excellence. Our view is that if we can […]
Helpful Content Update: Why Content Marketers Should Care
September 7, 2022
On August 22nd, Google announced its release of the helpful content update. This update signifies a fundamental shift in the world of content marketing. This guide takes an in-depth look at Google’s Helpful Content Update and what it truly means for content marketers and freelance writers. The user experience matters. Over 86% of consumers will […]
Content Marketing vs. Thought Leadership: What’s the Difference?
September 1, 2022
As businesses engage with the marketplace, they’re turning to content marketing and thought leadership. Thought leadership is a common technique among business persons, especially those aiming to increase brand recognition and get more traction in their marketing. So does content marketing, which is often known for its ability to create top-of-funnel and marketing-qualified leads. So, […]
Top 6 Free Content Writing Courses
August 25, 2022
As businesses and individuals recognize the importance of high-quality writing for their online presence, the demand for skilled content creators is ever-growing. Are you looking to refine your skills or start a new career in content writing? Free courses are an ideal way to get a solid foundation without breaking the bank. Below is a […]
ETQ Scales Content Creation with the nDash Platform
August 15, 2022
How does a lean marketing team scale to consistently deliver high-quality content? Quality management software company ETQ recently worked with nDash to overcome this content creation challenge. Few Content Resources to Fuel Demand Gen Like many organizations, ETQ’s marketing team was asked to do a lot with a little. “We’re a lean marketing team with […]