Easy Ways to Come Up with Content Ideas
October 6, 2020
Whether you’ve been in the content marketing game for 10 years or 10 weeks, there’s one challenge we all face—constantly figuring out how to come up with content ideas. Even if you’re relentlessly repurposing your content and keeping your publishing schedule within reason, idea generation is a never-ending task. It can be exhausting. The good […]
Choosing Your Freelance Writing Samples
October 2, 2020
Referrals and recommendations will always reign supreme as the best sources of new freelance writing work. But not every content writer is lucky enough to have a steady stream of referral work month to month. In that case, you need your freelance writer portfolio to win over potential clients. And while there are plenty of […]
Content Writing vs. Copywriting
September 29, 2020
Not all freelance writers are created equal. You know there are specialists for just about every topic you can think of. But marketers often overlook one crucial qualifier when they decide to hire freelance writers—the need for content writing vs. copywriting. These two terms are often used interchangeably. What’s the big deal, right? Content writers […]
Blog Headline Swipe File: Attention-Grabbing Titles
September 24, 2020
Mastering the art of blog headline copywriting can make all the difference between growing your traffic and no one reading your content. We’ve pulled together this blog headline swipe file to give you four fundamentals of writing attention-grabbing titles. Your blog post titles are your first (often only) opportunity to capture your audience’s attention. Sure, […]
Long-Form vs. Short-Form Content
September 22, 2020
The long-form vs. short-form content debate has flipped back and forth from one extreme to the other over the years. At every turn, you’re looking to answer one simple question—how long should a blog post be? The truth is that there really is no magic word count for your blog posts. However, “as long as […]
Repurposing B2B Content Into Many Assets
September 17, 2020
How often do you think about repurposing B2B content? Are you still running on the content writing treadmill? Is your top priority to publish one, two, three, or even more blog posts per week? Five or ten years ago, that kind of consistency would help you win the content marketing game. Throw some eBook downloads […]
Freelance Writers: How to Evaluate Them
September 15, 2020
You already know the gig economy is booming. That’s why you’re confident you can hire freelance writers to outsource your content needs. But you’ve heard the horror stories. The times people dove into the depths of freelance writer marketplaces only to find low-quality work — the kind no one would read if you published it. […]
What to Do When No One Reads Your Content
September 10, 2020
Content goals will vary from team to team. But in the end, we’re all playing the same game for attention. Can you gain it? Can you retain it? That’s why we spend all this time writing new content, refreshing old content, and building audiences on our most relevant channels. But you’re often left with one […]
How to Come Up with Content Ideas
September 8, 2020
Marketing has become a constant battle to figure out how to come up with content ideas. Even if you’ve mastered the art of repurposing and moved away from the “content for content’s sake” hamster wheel, there’s always demand for fresh new ideas. But it’s not easy to keep up. Especially when you’re trying to publish […]
5 of the Best Content Marketing Books (That Aren’t Really About Content Marketing)
September 3, 2020
Working in content marketing can be a blessing and a curse. The tactics and strategies that make content marketing work are constantly changing. If you’re someone who loves change and you’re always willing to learn, that’s a blessing. But it’s a curse because you’re often flying blind. Whether it’s a new channel or you’re adapting […]