Content Creation is Improved with the Help of Market Research
August 27, 2019
We all know content is king. Continually adding fresh, relevant, and targeted content to a website creates endless benefits. From SEO to thought leadership to lead generation, content can open a lot of doors for your business. In fact, I challenge you to find an article written in the past few years which discusses SEO […]
7 Useful Resources for Content Marketing
August 26, 2019
You’re never too old to stop learning (about content creation). Whether you’re trying to get into the game of content marketing, freshen up your skills, or just learn some new tricks, here’s a list of (mostly) free and easy-to-follow eBooks, guides, and courses for you to check out online. HubSpot Academy — Content Marketing Free […]
10 Life Hacks for Freelance Writers
August 19, 2019
As freelance writers, incomes sink or swim based on our ability to find work, stay productive, and get stuff done. Here are 10 life hacks that can make your writing much more efficient and make your freelance business much more successful. Time Management Hacks for Freelance Writers “We’re tight-fisted with property and money, yet think […]
Upcoming Marketing Events 2019-2020
August 6, 2019
We are in the midst of 2019, with many great marketing and content creation conferences and workshops taking place. In case you didn’t read 19 Content Marketing Conferences to Attend In 2019 and missed some of these events, we’ve compiled an updated list of upcoming fall 2019 and early 2020 conferences that you should check […]
Why You Should Hire a Freelance Writer
July 29, 2019
The average visitor to your web page only reads 20% of the copy. In a 1000-word piece, Jo Average is going to scan the text and actually pay attention to around 200 of them. Do you know how to ensure that visitors get all the information they need? Or to pull the reader into your […]
Pitching Outside of the Box
July 23, 2019
Ever had a moment in your life when someone offered a wholly unexpected and “out of the box” approach to solving a problem? That’s where pitching outside the box comes into play. The latest example for me happened just last week when through a series of catastrophic yet completely understandable miscalculations, I locked myself out […]
How B2Bs Should Spend Their Marketing Budgets
July 9, 2019
The dynamics of B2B marketing constantly evolve as new technologies make their way into the hands of marketers. It’s important to stay up to date on the latest changes to ensure you maintain a competitive edge. With so many changes taking place, though, it can be overwhelming to create solid marketing budgets. Should you invest […]
How to Build Your Personal Brand as a Freelancer
June 13, 2019
Going freelance is like putting yourself on the end of a fishing line and casting yourself out into the sea to wait for a client to take a bite. It doesn’t matter if you’re cold-pitching prospects or have repeat customers. Everything you do is under a microscope, and your reputation is what precedes you. That’s […]
Improve Conversion Rates with AI & Machine Learning
June 10, 2019
Marketers now have access to more consumer data than ever and, therefore, have the opportunity to derive in-depth insights that can enable true data-driven decisions making to inform their marketing strategies. However, with the many tools, datasets, and platforms available, it’s often challenging to integrate the vast amount of information and generate actionable insights in […]
Should Agencies be Transparent About Using Freelancers?
June 5, 2019
In recent years, the ways in which people are employed have drastically changed. Whilst many companies would still prefer the fully-focused and constant availability of a dedicated employee, just as many have opted to make use of the services that over 53 million US freelancers can offer. This is a huge number of individuals with […]