Avoid These 4 Blogging Mistakes
April 15, 2019
Writing is tough! We’ve all experienced those days where we’re just staring at a blank page, wondering when inspiration will hit or pondering why we’re unable to string a group of words together. However, just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean that we can make the same blogging mistakes over and over again. Here is a […]
3 Things To Do Before Submitting an Article
April 3, 2019
Drafting the content is only one small part of keeping a happy client. It also boils down the relationship you’re maintaining with them both before and after the content is complete. This way, you can heighten your chances of keeping this client as a consistent customer and maintaining a strong working relationship. In this blog […]
How to Find and Evaluate Freelance Writers
March 26, 2019
“Finding freelance writers is easy. Finding the one that’s perfect for your brand is a huge challenge.” Over the last five years, I’ve given this advice (in one form or another) to thousands of new companies on nDash, who come to us to help with their freelance writer search. Although no two brands are the […]
6 Podcasts Targeting Content Writers
March 21, 2019
We get it – you’re so incredibly busy writing, messaging clients, and looking for work. So, you don’t have a lot of extra time. And when you do have those extra few minutes, you probably don’t want to spend them on a computer researching what is currently happening in the writing industry. So we made […]
What’s New? Mid-March 2019 Product Update
March 19, 2019
We ran a little late with our recap for February, so this blog will have to serve as our update for all things new with nDash for both February and March. Needless to say, with (almost) two months of coverage, there are a lot of new nDash features we need to catch you up on! […]
Customer Spotlight: Drive Research
March 14, 2019
How does a small, 10-person market research firm in upstate New York land engagements with clients like Google, Samsung, T-Mobile, Clorox, National Grid, and more? For one thing, by providing top-level, custom quantitative and qualitative market research that transforms data into actionable insights. But the marketing strategies used by a top market research firm like […]
Content Community Pioneers: OpenView Labs
March 14, 2019
“I want every brand to publish content like OpenView Ventures.” I’ve been saying this ad nauseam since 2013 when nDash first got started. This is not a coincidence. For those unfamiliar, OpenView is an expansion-stage VC firm here in Boston. They’ve backed some of the most successful B2B companies in the space and published a […]
What Brands Wish Content Writers Knew
March 11, 2019
I fell in love with writing in second grade. Writing was the key to what my 8-year-old, gap-toothed self saw as my natural habitat, one where I could transform anything and everything simply through the words I chose. What’s that have to do with content writers? Read on… Then I got to college and discovered […]
5 Stats That Will Determine Your Q2 Content Strategy
March 6, 2019
Content is a living organism: it’s constantly changing and adapting to its surroundings. That’s why your content strategy is a living document. As marketing technology changes, so does content. As a consumer grows, learns, and digests information, content adapts to best reach them. This all goes to say: you constantly need to be reviewing and […]
Narrowing Down Your Niche in Writing
March 4, 2019
“Nobody wants a generalist; everybody wants a specialist.” Does that mean everyone in the freelance writing industry needs to niche down? Newbie freelance writers often scoff at the idea of limiting themselves to one – or even a few – different subjects. They start their journey into wordsmithery with the misguided notion that they can […]