Inspire Audiences to Drive Deeper Engagement in Content Creation

December 8, 2016

“Content creation can be a challenging endeavor in many respects,” remarks Jodi Harris in a recent post for the Content Marketing Institute. “With so many techniques, formats, and channels for your content efforts, it’s easy to become paralyzed by indecision when it comes to executing your carefully constructed content marketing strategies.” However you’ve mapped out […]

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How We Use Blogging Tactics Storytelling to Build Our Brand

December 6, 2016

When you break down the steps of the standard inbound methodology, everything sounds so simple. Implementing blogging tactics simplifies it even more. Your ideal buyer finds a link to your blog on Facebook that answers a specific question he has. he reads the blog and clicks on the call-to-action at the bottom to download your […]

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The 80/20 Rule of Content Creation within Marketing

December 1, 2016

Content creation within marketing is narcissistic and self-serving. At least, that was the opinion expressed by ZDNet writer Tom Foremski last week, who likely ruffled a few feathers with that commentary. But in a way, he’s right. Certain forms of content creation are indeed self-serving (as all marketing is), but he’s neglecting a very important […]

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The 8 Content Creation Tools We Use for Content Marketing

November 29, 2016

When it comes to supporting your marketing, there are a lot of content creation tools to choose from. The image on the left has 1,876 vendors represented across 43 categories (check out the high-res image here). With that many options, how can you determine the perfect technology stack for your organization? The fact is, every […]

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The Forgotten Strategies for Developing Content Ideas

November 22, 2016

Content marketing professionals understand that the process of producing content – whether preparing for a full-fledged campaign or a one-off blog post – isn’t as easy as sitting down and writing. Ideas require content development, and content development requires ideas. Whether you’re having trouble fleshing out your ideas or finding the ideas to flesh out […]

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Content is King: Some of Our Favorite Content Marketing Quotes

November 17, 2016

The great Bill Gates once said, “Content is king.”  Indeed, as the richest man on the planet, words about content creation from the noble philanthropist and the man that co-founded Microsoft tend to carry some weight.  Then again, why rely solely on the allegation of a college dropout? Lee Odden, CEO of TopRank Marketing, would […]

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Lessons From KFC’s Colonel Sanders Marketing Campaign

November 15, 2016

Who is the real Colonel Sanders? Is it Darrell Hammond? Norm Macdonald? Jim Gaffigan? The confusion stems from KFC’s new marketing campaign, which has rotated a different comedian into the role of Colonel Sanders every 6 months or so. Whoever the current spokesman for the KFC restaurant chain, their new marketing campaign is “Finger-Lickin’ Good!” […]

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Is Ghostwriting Ethical?

November 15, 2016

This post, “Is Ghostwriting Ethical?” is from Patti Podnar, a writer, content strategist, and member of the nDash Content Community. September 1796, Philadelphia: George Washington’s presidency – the presidency that will set the bar for all administrations to follow – is coming to a close, and he’s facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge: To come up […]

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Writing Ritual: Getting Into the Content Creation Zone

November 10, 2016

This guest post, “Writing Ritual: Getting Into the Content Creation Zone,” is by Eric Michelson, a writer, editor, and member of the nDash Content Community. You know the phrase, “inspiration strikes in the strangest of places?” Yeah, it’s true. Barreling down the highway at 70 mph is not really an ideal time to be struck […]

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A Separate Content Creation Strategy for Each Social Channel?

November 8, 2016

Should you have a separate content creation strategy for each social channel? Social media channels are not all created equally.  Each one has somewhat of a different appeal and different channels intended to cater to different audiences.  If marketers are so concerned with reaching their audience, then why do so many of them take the […]

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